December 11, 2011

rasa nak marah, but what will it do?

i know sekarang people tengah panas dengan Tengku Sophia. not only because she foul mouthed Malaysia, but also Islam.
okay, that is not one but to offences there. Okay the fact that i'm both Malaysian and Islam, i feel offended. Yeah? Who likes it when people trash your religion and country like that?
In my perspective, which is, memanglah nak marah, rasa nak tampar and nak caci balik that person, but think back. It wouldn't do no good because her heart will still be keras and makin lama makin keras sampai jadi batu.
And one thing, kita just harapkan yang dia dapat hidayah. hoho, i speak like i'm experienced =_="
Haha, anyways, in life there's always up and downs right? when you're down, take the opportunity to reflect the past mistakes and repent.

* I have no idea why i am posting about this tapi sebab rse geram.