November 25, 2011

Back to the memories.

Okay, so It's been a while since I haven't updated. Well buat ape? Bukannye org bace blog ni pun. Sesiapa yang baca ni terima kasih sangat-sangat sebab sanggup bace bicara hati seorang gadis. Anyways, Masa tengah on fb, Usha-usha lah my old friends punya fb. and God, I miss them. They've all grown up to be matured teens, yeah rite -.- some of them though, haha.
And I can't believe we're gonna meet up :D It's fantastic but, I kinda don't know when actually. Considering that we all are busy these holidays. Me with my homeworks. HAHAHAH, my homeworks. Funny story, I only touched Sejarah and I still haven't finished chapter one. And I haven't started on my Geography folio yet. HAHA. Anyways, back to the story. Syahmina, has grown into a beautiful young lady whom I might say is popular at her school. ye laaa, budak hott dari sekolah rendah lagi kan?
Anyways, my two brothers said I look like a boy now that my hair is short, God no, PLEASE!
ByeBye :)