November 6, 2011


Hi, Lame sudeh tak update this blog yang sudah bersawang! HEHE.

Exam dah habis, sekolah dah nak habis, boring -.- I'd rather go pegang buku and baca. Ateiii, bosan nak mati. Anyways,

I realized people are growing up. Yes, including me. But, I can't accept that one true fact so I just stayed there and watch people grow up and go, leaving me in pure loneliness. Hmm, I thought about it. Maybe it's not painful, it's fun. I can grow up but always become the immature me who I once was. Right?

my FF tak pernah nak jalan. Otak kering. Takde idea ape-ape nak disumbangkan -.-

Heheh, ade haritu, my sister comment suruh on9 skype. Pastu, adelah Mamat K ni pun agaknya terbace comment kat status aku. Pastu mogek nak buat gak. HAHA -.- tah pape.